Our Story

Denny: Kathy and I met when we were both helping out at a TNTT training camp. During one of the lessons, she noticed I was feeling hot and let me borrow a fan. I never had a chance to give back her fan before she left camp. She had told me that she was attending school in Austin, so I used the excuse of returning her fan to meet up with her. After returning the fan she was still interested in hanging out with me so we continued to meet up, got to know each other better, and started dating.

A highlight of our relationship was the TNTT Pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy Land that we went on together. From this experience, I knew I had found the One, someone who could share with me in everything that mattered the most in my life.

Kathy: Despite many opportunities for our paths to cross, it didn’t happen until a VEYM training camp. Upon my arrival, I met up with some hometown friends who were congratulating me. Not wanting to be a spectator, Denny joined in with them where he learned that I recently moved to Austin and received my UTCOP white coat. From that moment on, he definitely caught my attention.

During a training lesson, I noticed Denny struggling with the Texas heat and offered my fan to him. On the last day of camp, the closing ceremony was taking longer than usual. Once it ended, I did not say any goodbyes and immediately left. As a result, Denny returned the fan to me back in Austin where our relationship blossomed.

It was easy to fall more “in like” with Denny from every encounter. Our conversations flowed to the point where we both lost track of time. When we met to hang out, I always enjoyed his company. He was quirky, cute, bashful, and much more! Then one day, I realized that I have fallen in love with Denny. He’s my kind-of perfect guy who I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with! Forever and ever ❤